rent a coach - and more...

... over 75 years of expert knowledge

We are your reliable tour operator in the middle of the Germany and Europe.
We offer you...

  • Tours in air conditioned, luxury coaches with comfortable, spacious seating, kitchen, restroom and more...
  • Carefully selected hotels and guesthouses (three and more stars) in rooms with bath and/or shower facilities
  • Tasty food with both regional and classical dishes
  • Informative and attractive sightseeing programs
  • Professional, knowledgeable English speaking guides
  • 24 hour communication accessibility

We are experts in...

  • Coach selection and transfers at airport/hotels. Our coaches range from small 8 passanger vans up to luxury coaches for 29, 44, 48, 50 and 57 persons.
  • Consultation, planning, organization and execution of our complete round-trip, including sightseeing, accommodations and meal planning - the customers wishes are paramount at Viol.

Please also visit our current Reise-Viol travel catalog on this website. It will introduce you to our wide range of tour programs and partners.

We know Europe - Europe knows us!

Your contact person:
Sabine Viol
Am Frauenberg 3
95111 Rehau
Tel.: 0049 - 9283 - 898 050
Fax:0049 - 9283 - 898 05-19


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Ihre Urlaubshotlines

09283- 898 050

03741- 22 40 34